Artists in Residence

We know that finding space to think, concentrate and make work can be tough, so as part of our offer to young, emerging artists in Bristol, Rising Arts Agency offers occasional opportunities to become an Artist in Residence in our studio in Spike Island.

As an Artist in Residence, you are given the following:

  • 24/7 access to our space, during your residency

  • a small desk space

  • WiFi

  • direct contact with members of the Rising team

  • access to wider Spike studio facilities (by arrangement)

Find out more about our previous residents below.

A photo of Nick Ogri, Rising's third artist in residence.


For six weeks in June and July 2017, young illustrator Nick Ogri was Rising Arts Agency's Artist in Residence.

Nick recently participated in a group residencyin the Spike Island Residency Studio with four other emerging young artists. He was then invited to participate in a solo residency.

Nick specialises in vibrant, digital illustrations, producing daily creations for his Instagram: @artofnvck.


“My rising residency was fantastic! My time there allowed me headspace, physical space and facilities with which I could dedicate myself to experimentation and the production of a new body of work.”

Mary Watson, Rising Artist in Residence

A photo of Mary Watson, Rising's Artist in Residence in January and February. She is shaping some clay.

From the 16th of January to the 22nd of February 2017, Rising Arts Agency hosted its first Artist in Residence: ceramic artist Mary Watson.

Having recently moved to Bristol from Edinburgh, Mary was recommended to connect with Rising through a friend, and subsequently attended one of our free #CritChat sessions and was there invited to participate in a residency!

Mary had previously worked with ceramic materials to make large, interactive installations, but decided to use her time in the Rising Arts Agency studio to develop a new line of ceramic tableware.


'All in the Mind?': An Exhibition


I Am Rising